Vol.1 「ラブ&ピース」を世界に オノヨーコ ”Love & Peace” to the world -Yoko Ono
オノ ヨーコのインタビューの紹介です。アイスランドで平和を願う塔、「イマジンピースタワー」について、60年代から唱えられてきている「ラブアンドピース」にでてくる「愛」とは何か、チャリティーライブ、『ドリームタワージョンレノン、スーパーライブ』についてなど。
This is an introduction of a interview with Yoko-Ono. What is the true meaning of “love” in “Love and Peace” in the song “Imagine peace tower”? Plus an in-depth to John Lennon’s charity concert “Dream Tower Super-Live”.
The charity concert has been held every year since 2001 and the funding has already enabled charities to help build 54 new schools in 17 countries in Asia and Africa. We will be give you an insight of these charity concerts in this article.

“It seem like we are not only connected to Japan but the whole world aswell, Also I am very delighted to hear that the Japanese people are willing to help people who are struggling in different countries. and I am also very thankful to the musicians who participated with a good will. The fact that we had an opportunity to sing with one another, is a amazing miracle.