3. グッバイ・ウェイスト goodbyewaste

グッバイ・ウェイスト goodbyewaste





The thread of microplastic

A Dutch study found microplastics in human blood. ※1 Plastic debris has also been found in the stomachs of fish. ※2 Microplastic pollution occurs when plastic debris breaks down into particles smaller than 5 mm, which then flow into the ocean and accumulate on the seafloor, polluting the marine environment. It poses a potential health risk to humans if fish ingest these microplastics and we eat those fish. 

On the other hand, as the threat of microplastics becomes more apparent, many may ask, “Can’t plastic be recycled?” Unfortunately, the reality is bleak. Only about 9% of all plastic is recycled. The rest is incinerated, landfilled, or exported overseas. ※3 Therefore, this is far from enough to mitigate the environmental impact. Under these circumstances, it is important not to use plastic in our daily lives. 


ゼロウェイストなお店(ごみを出さないお店)では、主にシリアルなどの食糧品や日用品が量り売りされており、消費者がエシカルな生活を継続しやすいように様々な工夫がされています。例えば、無農薬野菜の販売や量り売りによるフードロスの削減、マイ容器持参による割引などがあります。一部の大手チェーンでも、タンブラーやマイ容器を持参すると割引が受けられます。例えば、ローソン マチカフェでは10円引き、スターバックスでは20円引き、タリーズでは30円引き、上島珈琲では50円引きになります。


The appeal of zero waste stores

Zero waste stores are becoming increasingly popular. These stores typically sell groceries such as cereal and household items in bulk, making it easier for consumers to live an ethical lifestyle. For example, they offer pesticide-free vegetables, reduce food waste by selling in bulk, and offer discounts to customers who bring their own containers. 

Some large chains also offer discounts if customers bring their own cups or containers:

Lawson Machi Café: 10 yen discount

Starbucks: 20 yen discount

Tully’s:30 yen discount

Ueshima Coffee: 50 yen discount

Note: It’s a good idea to check in advance, as not all stores advertise these discounts. Be sure to inform the cashier that you have your own container at the checkout.






Volunteers from Goodbye Waste, an international environmental NGO run by Greenpeace, show you stores where you can zero waste store on their map and Instagram.

On the map, you’ll find stores that offer reusable containers for sharing. You can rent a container from a store to take home. When you’re done using it, you can return it to a designated collection point. Consumers do not have to wash the containers themselves because they are cleaned by a professional company. The cleaned containers are then returned to the store for reuse. Anyone can add a store to the map.  


※2National Geographicの記事







The problem of developed countries exporting plastic waste to developing countries, which causes health problems to the people living there, has long concerned me. Then I found that goodbyewaste team, Greenpeace Japan, an international environmental NGO, showcased stores where people can shop without consuming plastic waste, and I participated in their volunteer activities. During this activity, I visited and interviewed stores that did not digest plastic waste and showcased them on Instagram. I want to promote an ethical lifestyle so that an ethical lifestyle can spread throughout the neighborhood and the country.