鴨川にはコミュニティがある。。。助け合いが成り立っている。Helping in Kamogawa
林良樹さんの話をきくと、そもそも学校って何だろう。。。みたいな疑問までもちはじめます。 日々は学びで喜び、お互いの労力を相互扶助や共存に使い、支え合う。 個人の勉強や暗記なら1人黙々と本を読むなり、暗記術で身につけたリすればいい。でも、学び合いも助け合いも、それとはまた別のものです。
I have always heard rumours that in Kamogawa, there are communities that exists through helping each other. And within those communities, they run a life style where they do farming plus other activities called “half farm, half X”. Many people whom disliked urban lifestyle has moved to these rural areas to start a new lifestyle.
The true meaning of “Half farm” is not to do farming, but to make food just for yourself and your family while also doing another job to generate income, and to buy properties in cheap prices through your friends and acquaintances.
By doing so, you will be able to live without having a high wage job and improve your health with organic produce.
A school that holds an entirely new vision involving “farm” and “community” has opened.
When I interviewed Ms.Yoshiki Hayashi, We’ve started by defining the meaning of schooling first. Day by day, we study and help each other through our hardships. If you’re studying alone and when you’re trying to memorise something, instead of silently reading a book, you should learn how to memorise in the first place. But studying and helping each other are two completely different things.

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