3. 世代を超えてこころ豊かに生きる人生とは?Title beyond the generations, how to live healthy.

世代を超えてこころ豊かに生きる人生とは?Title beyond the generations, how to live healthy.



JWC2018総合グランプリ 山城 笑佳
一般財団法人 国際花と緑のセラピー協議会 青山 克子 理事長
JWC実行委員会顧問  五十嵐経営塾 五十嵐 由人 塾長


JWC2018 General Grandprix Ms.Mika Yamashiro

General incorporated foundation. International Flowers and Greens Therapy Association.

As the representative of the people in their 20s, Mr.Yamashiro, the representative of the middle aged people, Mr.Aoyama, and in attendance will be key people from three generations, including President Igarashi, who revolutionised Japan’s streaming world during the era of high economic growth. We had a discussion with the topic of “wealth” being its centre.





山城 大先輩に言っていただくと嬉しいですね。


It is very important to have a good mental health to be wealthy. The more the world progresses the less people will communicate with each other in person and there will be fewer jobs in the future. I thought that it would be a good idea to improve for lifestyles by through the works of “flower therapy”.


I’ve never deeply thought about it but, I live my life though valuing the sense of gratitude and gracefulness.


It doesn’t matter how many goals you have in your life, but there’s a big difference between having one and having none. I believe that a human heart will always have something to chase no matter what times you’ll be in. In the case of Mr.Yamashiro, I think that he’s filled with hope, doing excellent in the Grand Prix and just overall living a fantastic life. Mr.Aoyama has a wonderfull dream of heal people with the help of flowers and he definitely has the talent to do so. If you have no goals in life, I don’t think you’re really living it.



Eika Yamashiro Profile

Japan Women’s Collection2018 グランプリ

Japan Women's Collection2018 Grand Prix

今年東京へ上京し、タレント女優目指し日々挑戦中。 Japan Women’s Collection2018 20代、総合グランプリ受賞。

Since she was a student in her hometown of Okinawa, she became a dance singer and local idol, and later worked as a model for TV commercials, movies, magazines, and fashion shows in the prefecture.
She moved to Tokyo this year and is trying every day to become a talented actress. Japan Women's Collection 2018 20s, overall grand prize winner.


Katsuko Aoyama Profile

一般財団法人 国際花と緑のセラピー協議会 代表理事

Representative Director, International Flower and Green Therapy Association General Incorporated Foundation
Psychological counselor/flower therapist


20代で生け花草月流を師事し、師範として活躍するが、花の美以上に心への影響に興味を持ち心理学の世界へ転身(心理学講師及びカウンセラー歴 17年)花の世界から心理カウンセラーへと、ある種「異質」な経歴が現在の軸となっている。

As a child, he grew up in his grandparents' flower shop. When he was in elementary school, his hearing function deteriorated and he began to notice mysterious messages from flowers.
In his 20s, he studied the Sogetsu style of ikebana and worked as a teacher, but he became more interested in the influence of flowers on the mind than the beauty of flowers, and turned to the world of psychology (17 years of experience as a psychology lecturer and counselor). Her somewhat ``unique'' background has led her to become a psychological counselor.


“Hospitality flower therapy” that colors your beautiful heart
◆Flower therapy is a healing method that connects flowers and people's hearts. You can discover your own deep psychology from a flower you casually notice, or understand your true feelings from the way flowers are arranged and where they are placed...Flower therapy is about discovering new possibilities for ourselves through the mysterious power of flowers. It is becoming more and more popular as a necessary emotional healing for modern people who want to open up their sexuality. Furthermore, flower therapy can also be used as a ``hospitality flower gift'' that uses flowers to convey the person's personality and the messages they need. Let's all incorporate the healing effects of flowers into bouquets and flower arrangements, and utilize flower therapy when giving flowers.

nature Vol.25 2019年 1 月発行より